Nancy came down from Washington to celebrate Karissa's birthday and meet Naomi's new dog, Sammy.
Nancy was here on her birthday and trimmed up Kevan's hair.
I flew to Florida and drove Nancy's car and dog (Gerda) to Tri-Cities Washington. Along the way, I stopped and visited family.
First stop was north of Houston, Texas with my brother Jerry and his family.
On the couch: Landon, Trevor, Gretchen holding ToffeeFay, Katherine, and Matthew holding Twix. Gerda had a good visit with the new dachshunds, ToffeeFay and Twix. Weather was good. We stayed 2 nights and I was taken to a great Mexican restaurant serving stuffed avocados. Also got to go house hunting and came very close to seeing the house they moved to in Trumball.
The next stop was East of Albuquerque, New Mexico at Gil's niece, Carla Peterson. Her children, Lacey and Steven are with her in the first, and her husband Steve in the next photo.
The third stop was near Colorado Springs, Colorado. My niece, Rachel Connell with her daughter and granddaughter. (Jessica and Angelina)
I took the I70 west through the Rockies to get to Utah next. Very scary. The roads after the long tunnel were very icy and dicey. Saw lots of stalls and near accidents. I was glad to get to my brother, Rick's in Bountiful, Utah.
My cousins, Dennis and Gayle Whitmer joined us in visiting Aunt Gladys Bronson at the nursing home in Sandy Utah. We had a delightful time trying to engage my dear aunt in stories and songs. Uncle Boyd and their daughter, Elaine shared a lot of family history. I have great story tellers for cousins!
Rick made this cedar chest in wood shop at Oregon City High School. I have it's twin. Nancy had this one until this last move when she could no longer keep it.
When Rick had to go to work, and Anna piloting me, I visited with Michelle, Mark and Ava at their home:
Then we went to Jessica's and had a wonderful evening playing with the kids and eating lots of pizza. Gerda didn't get to meet these dogs. But, she had lots of fun with cats and dogs all along the trip. Anna's friend Doug joined us. Jessica is holding her charmers, Akaylia and Lucas. John had to work.
It was raining pretty hard all night, then turned to snow the next day. I decided I better hurry home, and left after noon. It was a scary, snowy, icy drive through Idaho and Oregon. Picked up Nancy in Tri-cities and she got me home safely. I was really glad to have visited everyone that I did along the way.